Institutional Investors
Great institutions and organizations are guided by their noble missions, clear purpose, and excellent leadership. However, every institution faces its own unique set of challenges when it comes to making financial decisions for itself, its stakeholders, and its employees. The ability to seek wise counsel and work with values-aligned partners is critical for institutions that desire to stand the test of time.
Our passion is helping you ensure your organization is able to fulfill its mission and make a positive impact for generations to come.
Who Do We Serve?
Retirement Plan
401(k) and 403(b) plan sponsors who want to make a difference in and through the lives of their employees.
Endowments &
Endowments and foundations that desire a values-aligned partner who will help them accomplish their mission.
Churches &
Biblically-based churches and ministries who desire to make an impact in their organization, their community, and around the world.
Financial Management for Nonprofit Organizations, Churches, and Ministries
As a community-serving nonprofit organization or church, it’s likely your primary goal is to use your money and resources to bless humanity and further the Kingdom of Heaven. Your organization is already focused on how to maximize its impact.
But there’s much to consider.
In order for your non-profit, charity, or church to thrive and serve for years to come, you need a financial plan that focuses on growth, serving and retaining your team, and strategic investing.
We offer endowment fund planning for churches, benefit plans for nonprofits, retirement plan design, values-aligned investing, and more, to help your organization serve and steward well.
Financial Management for Values-Aligned Businesses
You shouldn’t have to ask yourself, “Will my business have an impact on the world around me?”
The question is, what kind of impact do you want your business to have?
Even with a for-profit business in a secular industry, your values and how they are expressed throughout your decision-making will define your business.
We help values-aligned business owners balance reaching goals and making a profit with the impact their business has on employees, clients, and the community.