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What Does the Bible Say About Taxes?
The Bible is not lacking in what it says about our financial lives, and taxes are no exception. Here is what the Bible says about paying taxes.
What Do I Need to Know Before I Retire?
While varying in difficulty and urgency, each item on this retirement planning checklist is an essential part of preparing for the long-awaited “golden years.”
Tax Reduction & Planning Strategies to Potentially Maximize Savings and Generous Giving
OneAscent now offers tax return preparation services! As we prepare to close out another year, here are several tax reduction strategies to consider.
7 Signs It’s Time to Find A Financial Firm That Fits Your Values as an Advisor
If you’re on the fence about whether or not it’s time to change financial firms, here are 7 signs you should consider changing positions.
Biblical Principles of Investing
What if I told you that God was the very first investor and that we get to carry on his legacy? Profit, through biblical investing, is a tool for the Kingdom.
7 Financial Tips to Close the Year Out Well
2023 is days away, so it’s time to start thinking about ending the year on a financial upswing. Our end-of-year financial checklist can help you get started.
5 Must-Reads for Every Christian Investor
If you are looking for answers on how to manage your money in light of what Scripture says, these biblically responsible investing books are for you.
Are You On Track to Retire?
Retirement is one of the biggest financial responsibilities. This resource can help you determine if you’re on track to retire financially secure.
4 Biblical Principles of Generosity
We believe generosity is an integral part of an aligned financial life. Here’s how we talk about generosity and the biblical principles we use to guide our approach.
5 Ways to Vet a Charity Before You Give
Many people want to give to charity, but are afraid their donations won’t be used wisely. We share tips to vet an organization before you donate to them.