7 Signs It’s Time to Find A Financial Firm That Fits Your Values as an Advisor

December 11, 2022

There comes a time in almost every financial advisor’s career when they ask themselves, “Is this where I am supposed to be?”

Exploring something new is exciting. But how do you know it’s time to take the first step?

If you’re on the fence about whether or not it’s time to change financial firms, here are 7 signs you should consider changing positions. 


1. You Don’t Feel Good about the Company Culture

Company culture is one of the most influential factors when an employee is looking to choose or stay at a firm. In a study done by Glassdoor in 2019, nearly 65 percent of employees say the company’s culture is one of the main reasons for staying in their job. If a good culture is such a good reason to stay, a bad culture can be a good reason to leave. 

Suppose you don’t enjoy coming to work, feel dismissed by higher-ups, don’t feel like there’s adequate communication internally, or feel friction when you try to align your business with your values. In that case, it’s normal to want otherwise. 

2. You Don’t Feel Able to Live Out Your Calling

Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

We each have a part to play in His story, and our work is part of that. If you feel something missing, you’re not alone. Before starting OneAscent, our CEO, Harry Pearson, was working for one of the largest financial firms in the nation. He was successful, well-loved, and serving clients well. 

But he didn’t feel like he could serve clients in a way that aligned with their values. His belief that we are accountable for the difference we make led him to step out in faith and found OneAscent. 

Learn more about what that journey looked like for Harry and our team. 

3. You Have Little to No Work/Life Balance

You may love your job, but that’s not enough when you spend most of your waking hours at the office. This can be especially hard if you have a family or children at home. 

Work is good, biblical even. But so is rest. You need to have a balance of both to thrive in your career and honor God with your life. 

4. You Feel Constrained In Serving Your Clients

Building relationships with your clients is foundational to what you do. But when operational and compliance processes seem to take up the bulk of your time, it can be hard to serve your clients well. 

If you feel like you are unable to dedicate enough time to clients to invest in a valuable and deep relationship in your current role, it may be time to investigate firms that protect their advisors’ time with clients. 

5. Your Firm Doesn’t Align With Your Values

Your values are at the core of who you are. If they define how you live and interact with others, why wouldn’t they influence how you work?

Some companies profit off of industries and activities that go against your values. You may have clients that would say the same. How can you help them reach their financial goals while ensuring they are stewarding their money well?

We believe in a financial process that intersects wealth and values and want to help other faith-driven advisors do the same.  

6. You Want to Try Something New

Maybe you enjoy your firm and have an outstanding work/life balance, but you feel the Lord calling you to something different. It may be harder to leave your current firm when the risk seems greater. Why would you go if there’s nothing wrong?

Maybe the Lord has something greater ahead. 

If you feel a calling for change but aren’t sure how to take the first step, we’d love to talk with you! We have been in your shoes, and the Lord has blessed OneAscent greatly over the last several years. If you need advice or a sounding board, reach out to us! 

7. You Have A Desire for Professional Development

It can be easy to feel stagnant if you’ve been in the same position for several years. You know financial advising is what you want to do, but today looks like yesterday which looked like every day for the past 10 years. 

If your current firm isn’t providing you with professional development opportunities or room to grow, it may be time to find a place that will challenge and stimulate you. 

For continued education, explore our recommended book series for Christian advisors.

About OneAscent Independent Advisors

If you feel like your job has one or more of these warning signs, there’s no harm in exploring other options. 

OneAscent desires to provide faith-driven advisors looking for a better way to serve clients with the freedom and solutions to gain independence.

We want to give you values-aligned solutions to differentiate your business and facilitate growth so you can make a lasting impact in and through your clients’ lives.

Schedule a call with us to learn more.



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